Jest-mock fat arrow function in react component

Given my component and test below, why is my method confirmClickHandler

still getting called when my test is running?

Note. I noticed that when I change the method from a fat arrow function to just a regular function, it gets mocked correctly. What am I missing here?

class CalendarConfirmation extends React.Component {

  confirmClickHandler = (e) =>  {


and my test:

import React from 'react';
import {mount} from 'enzyme';
import CalendarConfirmation from '../components/CalendarConfirmation';

describe('Test CalendarConfirmation', () => {
  let calendarConfirmation;
  calendarConfirmation = mount (<CalendarConfirmation />);
  calendarConfirmation.instance().confirmClickHandler = jest.fn();



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2 answers

This works for me:

import React from 'react'
import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme'

class Foo extends React.Component {
  // babel transpiles this too Foo.prototype.canMock
  protoMethod () {
    // will be mocked

  // this becomes an instance property
  instanceMethod = () => {
    return 'NOT be mocked'

  render () {
    return (<div>{`${this.protoMethod()} ${this.instanceMethod()}`}</div>)

Foo.prototype.protoMethod = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('you shall')

it('should be mocked', () => {
  const mock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('be mocked')
  const wrapper = mount(<Foo />)
  wrapper.instance().instanceMethod = mock


Note that this fails when used shallow

instead of mount.



You are not missing anything.

The jester can only mock the structure of objects that are present at the right time. This is done by reflection (not parsing), which means that properties that are added by the constructor cannot be modeled. It is important to understand that assigning a bold arrow in a class in JS is not a class method; it is a property of the class that contains a reference to the function.



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