Bootstrap 4 spacing error?

Bootstrap 4 has Spacing Utilities for customizing margins and padding with simple CSS classes.

In theory , I can do something like this:

<div class="d-inline-block bg-inverse p-5 pb-0 m-5 mb-0"></div>


And it should be an element with paddings and margins on each side except at the bottom . Right?

But this doesn't happen pb-0

and is mb-0

overwritten p-5

and m-5

, as you can see here: example in the JSFiddle .


and are mb-0

defined after p-5

and m-5

in the original source, and all the attributes used in these classes have !important

. Therefore pb-0

must overwrite padding-bottom

defined p-5

, and mb-0

must overwrite margin-bottom

defined m-5


I created another example where I defined these classes in the same way, but in this case they work as expected: a comparison example on JSFiddle .

Why are these Bootstrap 4 classes not working as expected?


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1 answer

The utilities use spacing !important

, so using pb-0

to override p-5

won't work because it p-5

follows pb-0


To get it working the way you want , set certain sides ...

<div class="d-inline-block bg-inverse pb-0 px-5 pt-5 mb-0 ml-5 mt-5"></div>

And, since the DIV has no padding or margins by default, you really don't need *-0


<div class="d-inline-block bg-inverse px-5 pt-5 ml-5 mt-5"></div>

Also see when to use it! important



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