How to multiply everything after the first line containing a numeric value

Subset question. I would prefer to use the built-in R functions, but not required. I believe the solution is simple, but Im new to R.

Here's some sample data:

df <- data.frame(year = c("2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006"),
              C1 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), 
              C2 = c(NA, NA, 35, 20, NA, 50),


The result looks like this:

  year C1 C2 C3
1 2001  a NA  1
2 2002  b NA  2
3 2003  c 35  3
4 2004  d 20  4
5 2005  e NA  5
6 2006  f 50  6


I want to select all columns starting from the first row with a numeric value (i.e.> 0) in column C2, so my output looks like this:

  year C1 C2 C3
1 2003  c 35  3
2 2004  d 20  4
3 2005  e NA  5
4 2006  f 50  6


Note that the NA in column C2 row 3 is not excluded (which is desirable). I tried the following, but it excludes NA lines:

new_df=subset(df, C2>0)


I've also tried this but doesn't work:

new_df=subset(df, C2>0 |



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3 answers




  year C1 C2 C3
3 2003  c 35  3
4 2004  d 20  4
5 2005  e NA  5
6 2006  f 50  6




Using the R database, you can create a custom function that takes as input a dataframe and a column that you want to use for signing,

f1 <- function(df, x){
  i1 <- which(
  v1 <- i1==1
  l2 <- c(v1[1], diff(i1) == 1)
  ifelse(v1, return(df[-which(l2),]), 

#apply the function
f1(df, df$C2)


what gives,

  year C1 C2 C3
3 2003  c 35  3
4 2004  d 20  4
5 2005  e NA  5
6 2006  f 50  6




Here is an option using tidyverse

df %>%
# A tibble: 4 x 4
#    year     C1    C2    C3
#  <fctr> <fctr> <dbl> <int>
#1   2003      c    35     3
#2   2004      d    20     4
#3   2005      e    NA     5
#4   2006      f    50     6


Or using cumsum/filter

df %>%
#  year C1 C2 C3
#1 2003  c 35  3
#2 2004  d 20  4
#3 2005  e NA  5
#4 2006  f 50  6


These methods can also be accomplished with base R

df[cumsum(!$C2)) > 0,]




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