Controller error message: "ActionView :: Template :: Error: Asset 'MyString' is missing from the asset pipeline"

This is the verification code that fails:

  test "should get index" do
    get products_url
    assert_response :success


The error information is ActionView :: Template :: Error: the asset "MyString" is missing from the asset pipeline.



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2 answers

you have to make sure the images in the fixtures exist. look here



Moved into the same problem but found a simple solution. First I fixed in /test/fixtures/products.yml

  title: MyString
  description: MyText
  image_url: lorem.jpg
  price: 9.99

  title: MyString
  description: MyText
  image_url: lorem.jpg
  price: 9.99


Finally, I actually added an image called "lorem.jpg" to my assets / images . I found it confusing since they don't mention it at all in the book, but hopefully this little arrow gets you back on track.



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