Observed with rx after error

I am trying to write a login for my application using ngrx store + ng effects. I managed to write it and it works in happy scenerio, but when the user enters wrong values ​​into the form so that the server responds with 401, the next login attempt has no effect. I read that the exception should be a gimmick when working with observables so as not to "break" the thread, but as far as I know I will catch the exception and still work it.

below code;

export class LoginComponent {

  logged = new Observable<any>();

  constructor(private store: Store<AppStore>) {
   this.logged = store.select('login');

  login(username: string, password: string){
    let body = JSON.stringify({username, password});
    this.store.dispatch({type: LoginActions.ATTEMPT_LOGIN, payload: body});


export class LoginEffects {

    private actions: Actions,
    private loginService: LoginService
  ) { }

  @Effect() login = this.actions
    .switchMap(payload => this.loginService.attemptLogin(payload))
    .map(response => new LoginActions.LoginSuccess(response))
    .catch(error => of(new LoginActions.LoginFailed(error)));

  @Effect() success = this.actions
    .map(payload => localStorage.setItem(Global.TOKEN, payload))
    .map(() => go(['/menu']));

  @Effect() error = this.actions
    .map(payload => console.log(payload))

export const login = (state: any = null, action: Actions) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case LoginActions.ATTEMPT_LOGIN:
      console.log('hello from reducer attempt login');
      return action.payload;
    case LoginActions.LOGIN_SUCCESS:
      console.log('hello from reducer success login');
      return action.payload;
    case LoginActions.LOGIN_FAILED:
      console.log('hello from reducer failed login');
      return action.payload;
      return state;

export class LoginService {

  auth = new Observable<any>();
  constructor(private store: Store<AppStore>, private http: Http) {
    this.auth = store.select('auth');

  attemptLogin(payload): Observable<any> {
    // let body = JSON.stringify({username, password});
    return this.http.post(Global.API_URL + '/login', payload)
      .map(response => response.headers.get('Authorization'));
      // .map(action => (
      //   { type: LoginActions.ATTEMPT_LOGIN, payload: action}))
      // .subscribe(action => {this.store.dispatch(action);
      // });



source to share

2 answers

When an error is caught, the observable returned catch

is used to continue the chain. And the returned observables terminate, which completes the effect and sees the ngrx

unsubscribe to the effect.

Move map

and catch

to switchMap


@Effect() login = this.actions
.switchMap(payload => this.loginService.attemptLogin(payload)
  .map(response => new LoginActions.LoginSuccess(response))
  .catch(error => of(new LoginActions.LoginFailed(error)))


Trapping inside switchMap

will not end the effect.



Bon voyage scenario :Happy path flow ngrx-effects

Error script : Requires a reducer to handle the error and display some message to the user if needed.Error scenario ngrx-effects

By using pipe

and catchError

from rxjs/operators

we can redistribute both (or all) of the error cases into a single ErrorAction, which we can then handle directly in effects

and make changes to the side effects UI.

@Effect() login = this.actions
.switchMap(payload => this.loginService.attemptLogin(payload)
  .map(response => new LoginActions.LoginSuccess(response))
  .catch(error => of(new LoginActions.LoginFailed(error)))




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