How do I sum strings `n` at a time in pandas?

Given a data frame

0   14
1   59
2   38
3   40
4   99
5   89
6   70
7   64
8   84
9   40
10  30
11  94
12  65
13  29
14  48
15  26
16  80
17  79
18  74
19  69


This data frame contains 20 columns. I would like to group rows n=5

at a time and sum them up. So my output will look like this:

0  250
1  347
2  266
3  328 



won't help because it doesn't allow you to change the move when adding.

What are some other ways to do this?


source to share

3 answers

df.set_index(df.index // 5).sum(level=0)




Assuming your indices are contiguous, you can perform integer division on df.index

and then group by index.

For the above, df

you can do this:

df.index // 5
# Int64Index([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], dtype='int64')


To get a definitive answer is another step using and : df.groupby


df.groupby(df.index // 5).sum()

0  250
1  347
2  266
3  328


If you don't RangeIndex

, use first and then group. df.reset_index



If you can manage the ndarray by the sum and not the series (you can always build the series again), you can use np.add.reduceat


np.add.reduceat(df.A.values, np.arange(0, df.A.size, 5))


Which in this case returns

array([250, 347, 266, 328])




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