How do you get the height of a stateless functional component that is a child?

I am trying to get the height of a stateless child component, so that I can use its height in the parent class, but I am getting the following error: Invariant Violation: Stateless function components cannot have refs.

Simplified code

Parent class

class App extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
  render() {
    return (
      <Child ref={component => this.header = component} />



const Child = () => (
  <header ref="header">
    Some text  


Is there a way to do this?

Here is a link to the Codepen with the error .


Actual code / context

So, I have a Header component that looks like this:

export const Header = ({dateDetailsButton, title, logo, backButton, signUpButton, inboxButton, header}) => (
    <header header className="flex flex-row tc pa3 bb b--light-gray relative min-h-35 max-h-35">
      {signUpButton ? <Link to="/edit-profile-contact" href="#" className="flex z-2"><AddUser /></Link> : null }
      {backButton ? <BackButton className="flex z-2" /> : null }
      <h1 className={logo ? "w-100 tc dark-gray lh-solid f4 fw5 tk-reklame-script lh-solid ma0" : "w-100 tc dark-gray lh-solid f4 fw4 absolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 maa h1-5 z-0"}>{title}</h1>
      {dateDetailsButton ? <Link to="/date-details" className="absolute link dark-gray right-1 top-0 bottom-0 maa h1-5 z-2">Details</Link> : null }
      {inboxButton ? <Link to="/inbox" href="#" className="flex mla z-2"><SpeechBubble /></Link> : null}


In some cases, I want to add logic to that header to animate it (for example, on the master page, when the user scrolls, I animate the header to lock in when they scroll past a certain point - a sticky header, if you will).

The way I did it before was just to have a separate class for the header with specific functionality (as described above) and without it. But to keep my code DRY, I have separated the header as my own stateless functional component in order to wrap it in a class, which gives it the sticky header functionality.

Here's a class for that:

export default class FeedHeader extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.handleScroll = this.handleScroll.bind(this);
        this.state = {
            scrolledPastHeader: null,
            from: 0,
            to: 1,

    componentDidMount() {
        window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
        this.setState({navHeight: this.navHeight.offsetHeight});

    componentWillUnmount() {
        window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);

    handleScroll(e) {
        const { navHeight, scrolledPastHeader } = this.state;
        const wy = document.body.scrollTop;
        if (wy < navHeight) this.setState({scrolledPastHeader: null})
        else if (wy > navHeight && wy < 100) {
            this.setState({scrolledPastHeader: false})
        else this.setState({scrolledPastHeader: true})

    getMotionProps() {
        const { scrolledPastHeader } = this.state;

        return scrolledPastHeader === false ?
            style: {
                value: this.state.from
        : {
            style: {
                value: spring(

    render() {
        const { brand, blurb } = this.props;
        const { scrolledPastHeader } = this.state;
        return (
            <Motion {...this.getMotionProps()}>
                {({value}) => {
                    return (
                        <Header ref="child" title={this.props.title} backButton={false} signUpButton inboxButton logo/>


So this is the context for this particular issue - I hope this makes things a little clearer.

I'm sorry for the lack of context, I imagined that the answer would be more direct than what it seems!


source to share

2 answers

Okay, so first of all, thanks to everyone for their responses - it is really appreciated!

I started to implement react-waypoints

as Win recommended, although it became apparent that I would need to change my code a bit for it to work, so I figured I would have one last search to try and find an alternative with refs


The answer I was looking for was actually quite simple, and came from the following Github issue thread mnpenner .


Since React does not allow stateless functional component references, you can instead wrap the functional component inside a wrapper, giving the wrapper its own ref

, for example:

  render() {
    return (
      <div ref={el => {this.childWrap = el;}}>
        <Child />


Then you can access the height of the component by targeting the wrapper:

  componentDidMount() {
        if(this.childWrap && this.childWrap.firstChild) {
        let childHeight = this.childWrap.offsetHeight;


While this may not be the most elegant solution, it certainly solves my problem for the time being.

Here's the Codepen for reference.



Here's a solution using React-waypoint. You can check it out here:

I added a debounce for onEnter and onLeave so that it doesn't update the state like crazy, so we can optimize the scrolling performance and not lock the app. Again, this is a very rough idea of ​​what you can do, and there are many options for improving implementation.

=== Previous

This is one way that you can get around the problem by keeping the component stateless. Since the context has not been explained further, this should give you a chance to see how you can grab the height of a child component that is inside a stateless component.

class App extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
  render() {
    return (
            ref={child => this.child = child}
            style={{height: 500}}>
            Some text!!

const Wrapper = ({children}) => {
  return (

  <App />,

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