Annotations are prohibited here

I am creating a UserRepository that implements JpaRepository and works with a User object. I need a method to update the username. I decided to do it with @Query. But he was marked by Intellij. Here is my code for the repository:

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

@Query(value = "update User user set %?username"))
void updatingUser(@Param(value = "username") String username);


And for the object:

@Table(name = "users")
public class User {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
@Column(name = "user_id")
private Long id;

@Column(name = "user_name")
private String username;


And I ran into this problem: "Annotations are not allowed here," says Intellij Idea and marks the line with the @Query annotation. And it confused me.


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4 answers

Sorry guys. It was so stupid for me to write double quotes at the end of this line. But I really don't understand why Intellij didn't notice it, but started marking this line with another error.



Using annotation @Query

at this point is absolutely essential. But your request is not entirely correct.

The query parameters can be named - ': name' or indexed - '? 1'.

You must use update queries with a "where" clause, otherwise you will update all records.

The code should look like this:

@Query("update User u set = ?1 where = ?2")
void updateByName(String value, String name);


Or like this:

@Query("update User u set = :value where = :name")
void updateByName(@Param("value") String value, @Param("name") String name);


Please note - while the "name" field is not unique, you will update ALL users with the given name. To update only one user, you must use a unique field or primary key in the "where" clause, for example:

@Query("update User u set = ?1 where = ?2")
void updateById(String value, Long id);


By the way, if you need to update all users who have a specific name pattern, use the "like" operator:

@Query("update User u set = ?1 where like '%'||?2||'%'")
void updateByNameLike(String value, String name);


Useful information:

Spring Data JPA - reference documentation

JPQL Language Reference

SQL Tutorial

PS @Repository

No annotations required



Well I got this problem with the following query after copying from SQLyog.

SELECT  id FROM (SELECT * FROM departments ORDER BY id) dpt_sorted, (SELECT @pv := '2') initialisation WHERE   FIND_IN_SET(parent_dept, @pv) AND LENGTH(@pv := CONCAT(@pv, ',', id));


But when I typed in the request, the error message disappeared. Maybe, copy

and paste

the issue in my case. This might be helpful.



In my case, I accidentally typed ";" at the end of @Query. Can help someone else.



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