Creating an array of all objects of the class

Is there a way to create an array of all created color objects? So, every time a new color is added, is it automatically added to the array as well?

class Colours {
    var colourName: String
    var colourShades: [String?]

    init(colourName: String, colourShades: [String?]) {
        self.colourName = colourName
        self.colourShades = colourShades


var red = Colours(colourName: "Red", colourShades: ["Crimson", "Cherry", "Rose"])

var blue = Colours(colourName: "blue", colourShades:["Ice", "Baby", "Royal"])


To give some context, I am trying to develop an IOS application that includes a color table. Then, when the user clicks on a color, it translates them into another table with shades of that color.

I need an array of colors so that I can auto fill the rows of the table and then when the user adds a new color it will automatically add a new row.


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4 answers

Use the static array defined in Colours

to keep all generated colors. You can access this array Colours.allColours

from anywhere in your application.

Create a protocol named ColourWatcher

and create static


on Colours

for the class that will be notified when the color is added.

You have a tableView implementation ColourWatcher

and add yourself as delegate

. Then when the color is added the method newColourAdded

will be called in yours TableViewController

and you can reload the data.

Also, I would recommend making an array of hues just [String]

instead of using options. An empty array will mean that you have no shades.

protocol ColourWatcher: class {
    func newColourAdded(colour: Colour)

class Colours {
    static var allColours: [Colours] = []
    static weak var delegate: ColourWatcher?

    var colourName: String
    var colourShades: [String]

    init(colourName: String, colourShades: [String]) {
        self.colourName = colourName
        self.colourShades = colourShades
        Colours.delegate?.newColourAdded(colour: self)

class MyTableViewController: UIViewController, ColourWatcher {

    func viewDidLoad() {
        Colours.delegate = self

    func newColourAdded(colour: Colour) {
        // reload table view or just insert a new row
        // using the passed in colour




Is there a way to create an array of all created color objects? So every time a new color is added, is it automatically added to the array as well?

You can declare one array in your class and add it like

lazy var colorList = {


I need an array of colors so that I can auto fill the table rows and then when the user adds a new color, it will automatically add a new row.

func addColor() {
   colorList.append(Colours(colourName: "Red", colourShades: 
   ["Crimson", "Cherry", "Rose"]))
   colorList.append(Colours(colourName: "blue", colourShades:["Ice", 
   "Baby", "Royal"]))


as soon as you call the above method when you add color and then update the table to display the new color information in the table row.

To give some context, I am trying to develop an IOS application that includes a color table. Then when the user clicks on a color, it will bring them to another table that has shades of that color.

Now in your tableView method cellForrowatindexpath

you just need to access the above array colorlist

and get colorname

and display in your table.

And when the user clicks on a cell, then inside your method didSelecteRowAtIndexpath

loads another class and passes the above array information to colorlist

this class and to display the shade of the color access information colourShades

from colorlist




In my opinion, you want to keep the state throughout the application.

The best way to solve your problem is to create a Singleton instance.


class ColoursSharedModel {

    static let shared : ColoursSharedModel = ColoursSharedModel()

    var choosenColors : [Colors] = []
    private init() {}


Later you have to add



in Color initialization.



1) Add your own notification

extension NSNotification.Name {

    // 1
    static let NewColourAdded = NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "NewColourAdded")


2) Set the access modifier for the object pool (static variable all

) asprivate(set)

3) Add initialized colors to the object pool

4) Send your notification

class Colours {

    // 2
    private(set) static var all: [Colours] = []

    var name: String
    var shades: [String]

    init(name: String, shades: [String]) { = name
        self.shades = shades

        // 3

        // 4
            name: .NewColourAdded, 
            object: self



class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

            selector: #selector(self.onNewColourAdded), 
            name: .NewColourAdded, 
            object: nil

    func onNewColourAdded(notification: Notification) {
        guard let newColours = notification.object as? Colours else { 

        // Do something




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