Python 2.4 wrong position in dictionary after loop

I want the Keys / Vals output dictionary to be the same as below:

{'pid': '10076', 'nick': 'Jonas', 'time': '2714', 'score': '554'}


But after the loop I got the output like this:

{'nick': 'Jonas', 'score': '554', 'pid': '10076', 'time': '2714'}


What can I do to avoid this?

datalines = ['pid\tnick\ttime\tscore', '10076\tJonas\t2714\t554']
stats = {}
keys = datalines[0].split('\t')
vals = datalines[1].split('\t')
for idx in range(0,len(keys)):
    stats[keys[idx]] = vals[idx]
print stats



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1 answer

Dictionaries are unordered in (and throughout the text ). Therefore, you can never assume that the order will be the same as the one you add to the elements.

However, you can use OrderedDict

from a package collections

, which is a dictionary (it supports all the functions of a dictionary) and maintains the order in which you add items:

from collections import OrderedDict

datalines = ['pid\tnick\ttime\tscore', '10076\tJonas\t2714\t554']
stats = OrderedDict()
keys = datalines[0].split('\t')
vals = datalines[1].split('\t')
for idx in range(0,len(keys)):
    stats[keys[idx]] = vals[idx]
print stats

Then it prints:

>>> print stats
OrderedDict([('pid', '10076'), ('nick', 'Jonas'), ('time', '2714'), ('score', '554')])




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