Angular 4 mergeMap issue

I am working with a corner fire and I need to "attach" two nodes to a key. this is my method:

return this.db.list(`userOwnHangouts/${userkey}`)
  .mergeMap((hangouts) => {
    console.log('the merge hangout: ', hangouts.$key) //undefined
    return this.db.list(`hangoutInterestedUsers/${hangouts.$key}`)
  .subscribe(x => console.log('subscribe: ', x))


as you can see when i try to get the key $ it is undefined. although if I only register hangouts I get an array of objects.

how can I use mergeMap to return a single observable that includes BOTH the results of the first query and the second query? in this case, the video meetings themselves and the users they own?

in the console I get: enter image description here

these are the 2 nodes I want to join: enter image description here enter image description here

@Maximus this is the result I am getting, can I get all the objects in the array to use with ngFor? [! [enter image description here] [4]] [4]


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1 answer

This should work in general:

return this.db.list(`userOwnHangouts/${userkey}`)
   // flattening the array returned by `list()`
  .mergeMap((o) => {
    return o;
  .mergeMap((o) => {
    return this.db.list(`hangoutInterestedUsers/${o['$key']}`).map((users) => {
       return {...o, users: users};
  .reduce((acc, v) => {
    return acc;
  }, [])
  .subscribe(x => console.log('subscribe: ', x))



But since both are this.db.list

never completed, we cannot use reduce

here. It also forkJoin

won't work for the same reason. So the way is combineLatest


    .switchMap((list: any[]) => Rx.Observable.combineLatest( any) => this.db.list(`hangoutInterestedUsers/${item['$key']}`)),
        (...results: any[][]) => {
            list.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
                item["users"] = results[index];
            return list;
    .subscribe(x => console.log('subscribe: ', x))




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