Database table design - different statuses for mail type

I am creating a database for Mail and table design MAIL

like this:

ID (Surrogate PK)

Recipient/Sender (Coming as FK from `REGISTERED_USERS` table - Recipient if outgoing mail and Sender if incoming mail)

Dispatch/Receive Date

Status (Coming as FK)

PostType (Whether it is Sent or Received mail)



My problem is in the Status column as statuses are different for outgoing or incoming mail (for example, for incoming and ordered, stamped, sent, etc. for outgoing mail).

My approach

I tried a trigger to implement this, but I want to make sure there is a better solution / design for it using some constraints? Many thanks!


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3 answers

This may be an opinion based on ...

You cannot store different data in the same column. You have to split all incoming / outgoing columns in two and fill in only the appropriate ones for different types of mail

In your solution, if you have John's column in Recipient/Sender

, you don't know that John is the recipient or the sender until you check the column PostType

and that's not a very good design. Each column should be self-explanatory.

I would suggest changing the design:



And if you really need the combined data to show it, you can create a view for that purpose as:

   CASE WHEN PostType = 1 THEN Sender ELSE Recipient END AS [Recipient/Sender] 
   CASE WHEN PostType = 1 THEN DispatchDate ELSE ReceiveDate END AS [Dispatch/Receive Date]



(or add them as computed columns)

Also, by dividing the columns, you make yourself room to possibly also store recipients for outgoing emails, for example, if needed in the future.



You can store both types of status in the same table as long as both types have the same attributes and you differentiate between them by adding a StatusType attribute or something similar.

If the OutgoingStatus attributes are different from the IncomingStatus attributes, then you should consider creating two separate tables.



One way to do this is to implement a CHECK constraint on your mailing table.

You can add a CHECK constraint like this:

CHECK ((PostType = 'Outgoing' AND [Status] IN('Ordered', 'Stamped', 'Dispatched')) OR (PostType = 'Incoming' AND [Status] IN('Received')))


Subsequently, you are not allowed to insert records into your mail table that do not meet the CHECK constraint criteria. If you try to do this, you will get an error:

The INSERT statement was in conflict with the CHECK constraint "CK_MAILSTATUS". The conflict occurred in the "YourDatabase" database, in the "dbo.Mail" table.



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