How to display 3 <ion map> for each line that contains an image and number of increments per * ngFor

I am trying to create an Ionic 2 HTML page displaying 3 <ion-card>

for each line that contains a fixed image size and an increment number using *ngFor

as shown in the picture.

3 <code> </ - namecard </code>
        <script async src=
for string" data-src="/img/b0c576a15a6f312e70a41bb5df5baff6.png" class="lazyload" src="">

My HTML Code You Might Need

  <ion-col *ngFor="let l of list1 | async">
    <ion-card (press)="delete(l.$key)">
      <img src="{{l.url}}"/>



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1 answer

You can set the index of the variable, which increases with each loop *ngFor

. Just add let i = index

to yours *ngFor

. Your code has been edited:

  <ion-col *ngFor="let l of list1 | async; let i = index">
    <ion-card (press)="delete(l.$key)">
      <img src="{{l.url}}"/>
      <p>Image {{i}}</p>



       Your first card content
       Your second card content
       Your third card content




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