How to host nodeJS project for firebase?

I am using node, expression and other other dependencies for a project. I wonder how to host this project on firebase. My project will have a controller, view and any other folders to make the project possible. It already has a browsing mechanism like pug / handlebars.

Online tutorials show you how to host firebase with only index.html in a shared folder. How can I place my project with all other folders? I know how to use firebase in nodeJS, but how do I host the project on firebase? How will firebase access the server file (or app / index.js)? Where should I put all these folders?

I hope I am not asking for much. If my question is not clear please let me know so I can clarify.


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2 answers

Lucky you. Firebase just released a video this week



You can do it with Firebase cloud feature. Deployment authentication is handled by the Firebase CLI, so starting and running Hello World is literally:

firebase init functions
firebase deploy


Simple Hello World Function

functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
    response.send("Hello from Firebase!");


Note: You can use express with Firebase feature.

For more information, see the documentation link:



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