Vim key binding that mimics emacs CTL-K

I am trying to create a vim keybind that mimics emacs CTL-K:

  • If used at the end of a line, it kills the newline ending at the end of the line by merging the next line into the current one (thus, the empty line is completely removed).
  • Otherwise, Ck kills all the text from point to the end of the line;
  • If point was originally at the beginning of a line, this leaves the line empty.

I saw the answer at recommending the following

inoremap <C-K> <Esc>lDa


This seems to work for case 2, but not for case 1 (it won't remove the newline character) or 3 (it will leave the first character in the line). Any recommendation on how I can improve the display to achieve all three?


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3 answers

Give this mapping a expr


inoremap <expr> <c-k> '<c-o>'.(col('.')==col('$')?'J':'D')


It checks the current cursor position to select D

or J



provides a return to insert mode after surgery.


Insert mode is ctrl-k

very useful for entering digraphs. Think twice if you want to disable the feature with your mapping.



I wrote a function for this:

inoremap <C-K> <c-r>=CtrlK()<cr>

function! CtrlK()
    let col = col('.')
    let end = col('$')

    if col == end
        return "\<Del>"
    elseif col == 1
        return "\<Esc>cc"
        return "\<Esc>lc$"




If you need a one-line display for playback, you can use this:

inoremap <C-K> <Esc>:if col(".")==col("$")-1\|exe "normal gJh"\|else\|exe "normal lD"\|endif<Enter>a

I haven't tested for edge cases, but I'm sure this will be enough to get you started.



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