Delete files from Google Drive service account using gem drive gem

We have created a sync plugin for discussion and it needs to sync backups with google service account.
To keep the google admin account unrestricted, we built a method at the end of the syncr calledremove_old_files

def remove_old_files
  google_files = session.files
  sorted = google_files.sort_by {|x| x.created_time}
  keep = sorted.take(SiteSetting.discourse_sync_to_googledrive_quantity)
  trash = google_files - keep
  trash.each { |d| d.delete(true) }


we memoized the session object earlier in the instance variable. Thus, when session.files

we get an array of all the files in our Google account. In a variable, sorted

we sort them from new to old. In the variable keep

we take the first few (admin hat to set the quantity), and in the variable trash

we define the rest. So far, this method works in the console. There is now a method delete

for the File object in the documentation for the pearl of Google Drive :
File 'lib / google_drive / file.rb', line 182

    def delete(permanent = false)
       if permanent
       else, { trashed: true }, {})


But when I try to uninstall via rails console it tells me Success - nil

as if everything went well. But! the files still exist when I recalculate or call them. Even though I tried to remove them, install permanent = true

: / Why is google not removing old backup files?


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