Cannot convert value of type "Character" to type "String" under coercion

In Swift, I expect the following to be completely correct code:

let snailCharacter: Character = "🐌"
let snailString = snailCharacter as String


But apparently it throws an error:

Cannot convert value of type "Character" to enter "String" in forced mode

The solution to this is to use an initializer String

like this:

let snailString = String(snailCharacter)


I thought I was Character

sort of a subset String

and it surprised me. Why is it forbidden to use Character

to String


I am using Swift 4 in Xcode 9 beta 4.


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2 answers

Looking at the documentation , you can see which Character

is one of several views String

in Swift

(highlighted by me in the relevant parts)

The string is a series of characters such as "hello world" or "Albatross". Swift strings are represented by string type. the contents of the string can be retrieved in a variety of ways, including how to collect character values.

B Swift

, String

is not just an array Character

, unlike some other languages. B Swift

, Character

is simply a way to represent an instance in a String

certain way. String

can be represented with View

s such as CharacterView

, utf8View


One of the key principles of type architecture Swift


was Unicode correctness, which is one of the reasons String

, not just an array of Character


For more information on the changes String

to Swift4

see String Manifesto .

More specifically why casting doesn't work. There are two kinds of castings, injection molding and bridge casting. Type casting is only possible between classes in which inheritance is involved. You can either tailor a subclass to its superclass, which always succeeds, or you can try to demolish the superclass to a subclass that only works if the subclass instance was first forwarded to its superclass.

It should be pretty clear from the above explanation why type casting doesn't work between Character

and String

, since neither of the two types inherits from each other.

To bridge the casting is a method proposed by Apple for interaction between certain types Swift

and Foundation

like String

and NSString

, but because both String

, and Character

are Swift

the types of bridge casting has nothing to do with this problem.



First you need a textual representation of this. You can convert to String

just description Character

like this

let snailCharacter: Character = "🐌"
let snailString = snailCharacter.description as String




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