How to make sure everything runs on the GPU automatically in Pytorch?

I want a way with as little code as possible so that everything in my script runs automatically on the GPU (or the standard Pytorch way did it). Something like:



and then it "just works". I don't care about manually putting things on the GPU, etc. I just want it to do its stuff automatically (how does the tensor process do it?). I saw a related question on the pytorch forum , but they don't seem to address my issue directly.

Right now it seems to me (from the examples I went through) that it is possible to do something like what I want by specifying a simple type on each Variable / tensor torch like this:

dtype = torch.FloatTensor
# dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor # Uncomment this to run on GPU


as long as each variable / tensor takes dtype

somehow for example.

Variable(torch.FloatTensor(x).type(dtype), requires_grad=False)


then we can use that single variable to control what is in the GPU instead of. The problem I am facing makes things ambiguous for me if such a single command exists when using the package torch.nn.Module

. For example, when using

l = torch.nn.Linear(D_in,D_out)


or suits of NN classes (which inherit from it). Cases like this show that the best way to deal with it is to use:

torch.nn.Module.cuda(device_id=device_id) # device_id = None is the default


function / method. However, this seems to be telling me that there may be other hidden features that I may not be aware of, to make sure everything is actually GPU powered.

Thus: is there a centralized way to make sure everything is running on some (ideally automatic) GPU assignment?

In reflection, I think one thing that is confusing me is that I don't understand the model of how pytorch media do GPU computing. For example, I'm fairly confident in how MATLAB works: if at least one is on the GPU, then all further calculations will be on the GPU. So I guess I'm wondering, is this the way pytorch works? If possible, how does it compare to TensorFlow?


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1 answer

I think there is no such thing.

From what I've seen, people usually create classes that:
i) inherit from nn.Module

ii) have an attribute describing the parameters of the model (for example self.opt

iii) set each variable / parameters as attributes (for example self.my_var

iv) then call .cuda()

on it if any parameter is given -use_gpu


I also use a function maybe_cuda(variable)

inside my classes to make it easier to create a variable (pass the variable, return variable.cuda()

if opt.cuda


I actually did something like this (maybe not ideal, but found it practical):

class MyModule(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(MyModule, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt

    def maybe_cuda(self, variable):
        if self.opt.cuda:
            return variable.cuda()
        return variable

class Model(MyModule):
    def __init__(self, opt, other_arg):
        super(Model, self).__init__(opt)

        self.linear = nn.Linear(opt.size1, opt.size2)
        self.W_out = nn.Parameter(_____)

    def forward(self, ____):
        # create a variable, put it on GPU if possible
        my_var = self.maybe_cuda(Variable(torch.zeros(___)))




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