Add static segment for routing to make pagination more core friendly

On my website, I made my urls more friendly using bullets. I would like the search call related url information to be more friendly by changing  // 1 represents the page




I don't care if it's impossible, but I would like to.

I tried to decorate my action

public IActionResult Action(int page= 1)


when navigating through it.

optional parameter "page" is preceded by an invalid page "<->


source to share

2 answers

You can use an optional parameter with a constraint and then parse the parameter to get the page number

//Matches action
//Matches action/page-1
public IActionResult Action(string page = "page-1") {
    //... parse page
    // page number = page.Replace("page-", "");
    // then int.Parse() page number




I did it successfully in mine Startup.cs

in Configure method

app.UseMvc(routes => {

  /* code removed for brevity */

    name: "RouteName",
    template: "action/page-{pageNumber}",
    defaults: new { Controller = "YourController", Action = "Action" }



Then your controller will be ...

public IActionResult Action(int page= 1)


It depends on whether you want to use attribute routing or not.



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