Maven dependencies Jersey selected at runtime

I have a Java Servlet project with Maven and Tomcat that contains the following two dependencies (among many others):





, but azure-serviceruntime

includes jersey-core:1.13

that contain the class Application

in the package


Searching for a type Application

in Eclipse reveals the following (for clarification): Two classes of applications

The problem is that the wrong class is being used at runtime Application

, which results in the following error when starting Tomcat:



For each servlet.

I tried to exclude jersey-core

from azure-serviceruntime

, but then the servlets don't load at all. I also tried adding

as a direct dependency, but that didn't work either. The most inexplicable part is that it works on Windows, but not Linux ... I also tried to move maven-tinged classes / packages, but without any success.

How can I tell Java to use the latter class Application



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2 answers

Finally I started working. I looked further to see that it works on Windows and not Linux, the difference is that on Windows I use OracleJDK and Linux in openJDK.

So I used OracleJDK for my project on Linux and now it works.



I think it's best to use dependency exclusion to exclude jersey-core: 1.13 from azure-serviceruntime dependency:





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