Constructors in Lombok
If I have a class with three instance variables and a final variable of one instance.
Will I be restricted from instantiating this class using a no-argument constructor?
public @Data class Employee {
private Integer empId;
private String empName;
private Country country;
private final Integer var;
When trying to compile the following line
Employee emp = new Employee();
Then I got this error
an argument is required to match Employee (Integer).
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Yes, this will restrict the use of the no-args constructor unless you initialize the final variable. If you initialize a final variable, it will create an instance of that class using the default no-argument constructor. But no setter will be generated for this final variable, however a getter will be generated. Even if we use @NoArgsConstructor
, it will give a compiler error
final variable may not be initialized
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Short answer
yes , you are forbidden to instantiate this class using a no-argument constructor.
Long answer
The documentation for@Data
@Data is a handy annotation that ties the @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode, @ Getter / @ Setter and @RequiredArgsConstructor functions together
@RequiredArgsConstructor generates a 1-parameter constructor for each field that requires special handling. All uninitialized final fields receive a parameter , as well as any fields marked @NonNull that are not initialized where they are declared.
As you should know, Java does not create a default no-argument constructor if you have already defined your own constructor and with the Lombok annotation @Data
you have.
You can add Lombok explicitly @NoArgsConstructor
, however:
@NoArgsConstructor will generate a parameterless constructor. If this is not possible (due to trailing fields), a compiler error will be the result instead
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