How to split columns of integer value into n columns?

I have a SQL Server table table_name like:



I need output as shown below

col-1 | col-2 | col-3 | col-4 |col-5
1     | 2     | 3     | 4     |5
6     | 7     | 8     | 9     |10
11    | 12    | 13    | 14    |15


how to get this result in sql-server query.


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4 answers

Another option is dynamic vault.

This will create N columns.


Declare @nCols int  = 5

Declare @SQL varchar(max) = '
Declare @nCols int = '+str(@nCols,5)+'
Select *
 From (
        Select RowNr = ((row_number() over (order by col1)-1)/@nCols)+1
              ,ColNr = concat(''col-'',isnull(nullif((row_number() over (order by col1))%@nCols,0),@nCols))
              ,Value = col1
         From YourTable
      ) A
 Pivot (max(Value) For ColNr in (' + Stuff((Select Top (@nCols) ','+QuoteName(concat('col-',Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select NULL)))) From  YourTable For XML Path('')) ,1,1,'') + ') ) p'
--Print @SQL



enter image description here

If @nCols = 3, the results are:

enter image description here

CHANGE full parameter version

In this version, you can specify

  • Number of columns @NbrCols

    (as above)
  • Source @FromSrc

    which is table name or SQL string in () ie(Select ...)

  • Column name @ColName

    in Pivot@ColName

  • Colum @ColPrfx

    ie prefix 'Col-'

    or even''

Declare @NbrCols int  = 5
Declare @FromSrc varchar(max) = 'YourTable'  -- Or SQL '(Select col ...)'
Declare @ColName varchar(100) = 'col1'
Declare @ColPrfx varchar(100) = 'Col-'

Declare @SQL varchar(max) = '
Declare @NbrCols int = '+str(@NbrCols,5)+'
Select *
 From (
        Select Row = ((row_number() over (order by '+quotename(@ColName)+')-1)/@NbrCols)+1
              ,Col = concat('''+@ColPrfx+''',isnull(nullif((row_number() over (order by '+quotename(@ColName)+'))%@NbrCols,0),@NbrCols))
              ,Val = '+quotename(@ColName)+'
         From '+@FromSrc+' A1
      ) A
 Pivot (max(Val) For Col in (' + Stuff((Select Top (@NbrCols) ','+QuoteName(concat(@ColPrfx,Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select NULL)))) From master..spt_values For XML Path('')) ,1,1,'') + ') ) p'
--Print @SQL




Using conditional aggregation based on division and using modulo to arrange columns: row_number()


test setup:

select n into dbo.numbers from (values 
  (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9),(10)
) t(n)
delete from dbo.numbers where n in (12,13,17);



    col1 = sum(case when rn%5=0 then n end)
  , col2 = sum(case when rn%5=1 then n end)
  , col3 = sum(case when rn%5=2 then n end)
  , col4 = sum(case when rn%5=3 then n end)
  , col5 = sum(case when rn%5=4 then n end)
from (
  select n, rn = row_number() over (order by n)-1
  from dbo.numbers
  ) t
group by rn/5;


demo version of rexter:


| col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 | col5 |
|    1 |    2 | 3    | 4    | 5    |
|    6 |    7 | 8    | 9    | 10   |
|   11 |   14 | 15   | 16   | 18   |
|   19 |   20 | NULL | NULL | NULL |


Same concept, but using pivot()

conditional aggregation instead, returns the same results.

    col1 = [0]
  , col2 = [1]
  , col3 = [2]
  , col4 = [3]
  , col5 = [4]
from (
  select n
    , rn  = (row_number() over (order by n)-1)%5
    , grp = (row_number() over (order by n)-1)/5
  from dbo.numbers
  ) t
pivot (sum(n) for rn in ([0],[1],[2],[3],[4])) p;




Assuming your table doesn't just contain sequential numbers from 1 to n (if so, then Gordon's answer is better), here's one way to do it:

First create and fill in the example table ( Please keep this step in your future questions)

SELECT TOP 100 IDENTITY(int,1,1) AS col1
    INTO table_name
    FROM sys.objects s1       
    CROSS JOIN sys.objects s2 

FROM table_name
    SELECT TOP 67 col1
    FROM table_name


(table_name now contains 33 random numbers from 1 to 100)

Using a few common table expressions to get the column number and row number:

;With Cols as
    SELECT  col1, 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY col1) % 5 ColNumber
    FROM table_name
), RowsAndCols as
    SELECT col1, ColNumber, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ColNumber ORDER BY col1) As RowNumber
    FROM Cols


And the request:

SELECT c1.col1, c2.col1 As col2, c3.col1 As col3, c4.col1 As col4, c5.col1 As col5
FROM RowsAndCols c1
LEFT JOIN RowsAndCols c2 ON c1.RowNumber = c2.RowNumber AND c2.ColNumber = 2
LEFT JOIN RowsAndCols c3 ON c1.RowNumber = c3.RowNumber AND c3.ColNumber = 3
LEFT JOIN RowsAndCols c4 ON c1.RowNumber = c4.RowNumber AND c4.ColNumber = 4
LEFT JOIN RowsAndCols c5 ON c1.RowNumber = c5.RowNumber AND c5.ColNumber = 0
WHERE c1.ColNumber = 1


Note. I used left joins, so if the number of rows is not a multiple of five, you will get zero values ​​in the last columns in the last row.

Check out the live demo in the registry.



If you want this output, you don't even need to start with a table:

with cte as (
      select 1 as col1, 2 as col2, 3 as col3, 4 as col4, 5 as col5
      union all
      select 5 + col1, 5 + col2, 5 + col3, 5 + col4, 5 + col5
      from cte
      where 5 + col1 <= 15
select *
from cte;




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