Debugging crashed 32-bit DOS executable compiled with OpenWatcom

I have an application that I am compiling for a 32-bit DOS / DPMI target (with a DOS32 / A extender) using OpenWatcom classic (1.9 is the latest stable release). If the program crashes due to improper memory access, I get CS: EIP crash instructions. How can I match this to the build / source line number? (Note: I am using the Windows version of OpenWatcom under Wine (runs on Linux) and then run the executable in DosBox.)

With GCC / binutils, I would compile with -ggdb and then use objdump -DS on the executable to get both the assembly and the original view. Any OpenWatcom equivalent? Or maybe an interactive debugger that can do the same? I tried to use wdis, but that only works with object files, not executables. Since with the object file I can't figure out where it will be moved to, this is useless. Or maybe there is at least a way to create a symbol map for the executable?


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