How can we name multiple optional functions on one line?

I have several features in my simple server infrastructure as shown below. This requires several functions:

new TestServer()
    .DOBind("ip", "port")
    .ONBind(delegate {...})
    .ONReceiveBytes(delegate {...})
    .ONSocketStatusChanged(delegate {...})


my question is: - How can I do something like this? - What are the "special keywords" for the investigation? - Which class-design / design-pattern structure should I follow?

Any pointers appreciated.


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2 answers

There is no secret keyword or design here. It happens that each of these methods returns a TestServer instance (just by returning this


TestServer DoThis()
    // method code
    return this;

TestServer DoThat(string WithThisParameter)
    // method code
    return this;


And then you can do this:

var x = new TestServer();
x.DoThis().DoThat("my string").DoThis();


Apparently, as Vache dee-see wrote in the comments, this is called the fluent API



class TestServer 
    string x = "";
    string y = "";
    string z = "";

    TestServer SetX(string val)
        x = val;
        return this;

    TestServer SetY(string val)
        y = val;
        return this;

    TestServer SetZ(string val)
        z = val;
        return this;


then you can do it like this

new TestServer().SetX("blbablabla").SetY("Blablabla").SetZ("blablabla");




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