R Plotly Rangeslider covers tick marks - is it possible to set Rangeslider location?

I am using the Plotly package in R to make a plot with both a range and a rangeselector.

The problem is that the range of ranges tends to cover the tick marks on the x-axis.

The solution might be to manually set the location of the range, but I can't find any documentation on how to do this.

Below you will find a minimal working example of the problem along with its image.

# Make Some Data: 
Dates = as.POSIXct(c("2017-08-08 00:00")) + (0:71)*60^2
Values = rep_len(mtcars$mpg, 72)
tb =  dplyr::tibble(Values, Dates)

# Plot
p = tb %>% plot_ly(type = "scatter", mode = 'markers', x = ~Dates, y = ~Values) %>% 
            layout(xaxis = list(
              rangeslider = list(type = "date"),
              rangeselector = list(
                buttons = list(list(step = "all", label = "All")))


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Greetings,


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2 answers

After running around with different options / settings, I found that increasing the length of the checkboxes and the appearance of ticks on the inside of the x-axis, and not on the outside, solved my problem.

See below code for example

# Make Some Data: 
Dates = as.POSIXct(c("2017-08-08 00:00")) + (0:71)*60^2 
Values = rep_len(mtcars$mpg, 72)
tb =  dplyr::tibble(Values, Dates)

# Plot
p = tb %>% plot_ly(type = "scatter", mode = 'markers', x = ~Dates, y = ~Values) %>% 
        layout(xaxis = list(ticks = "inside", ticklen = 10,
          rangeslider = list(type = "date", thickness=0.1),
          rangeselector = list(
            buttons = list(list(step = "all", label = "All")))


However, this is a hackish solution and I am still looking at a method for determining the position of the range.



Try to solve the overlap problem by adjusting the parameter thickness



# Make Some Data: 
Dates = as.POSIXct(c("2017-08-08 00:00")) + (0:71)*60^2
Values = rep_len(mtcars$mpg, 72)
tb =  dplyr::tibble(Values, Dates)

# Plot
p = tb %>% plot_ly(type = "scatter", mode = 'markers', x = ~Dates, y = ~Values) %>% 
            layout(xaxis = list(
              rangeslider = list(type = "date", thickness=0.3),
              rangeselector = list(
                buttons = list(list(step = "all", label = "All")))


Hope this helps you.



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