Changing a matrix of nested structures to an array of cells with elements of different sizes
In MATLAB, I have an array of structures of the following form:
a(1).b.c = rand(1,10);
a(1).b.cSize = length(a(1).b.c);
a(2).b.c = rand(1,11);
a(2).b.cSize = length(a(2).b.c);
a(3).b.c = rand(1,12);
a(3).b.cSize = length(a(3).b.c);
a(4).b.c = rand(1,13);
a(4).b.cSize = length(a(4).b.c);
a(5).b.c = rand(1,14);
a(5).b.cSize = length(a(5).b.c);
a(6).b.c = rand(1,15);
a(6).b.cSize = length(a(6).b.c);
I would like to create a cell array c
that contains different sized fields of a a.b.c
nested structure without using for loops.
I tried the following:
c = {a.b.c}
which doesn't work and returns the following error message:
Expected one result from curly brace or point indexing, but there were 6 results.
The best solution I have found so far is the following
cellfun(@(x) x.c, {a.b}, 'UniformOutput', false)
Is there a faster, no-use solution cellfun
? Maybe a team reshape
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2 answers