MacOS dock stuck in config file

I changed my docker settings in the advanced section where you can insert JSON and restart. I added below and the app never starts, it says reset if it freezes (which I do), but gives me no reason why it freezes. checking the documentation my JSON appears to be valid.

config as shown below:

  "experimental" : true,
  "bip" : "",
  "debug" : true,
  "default-gateway" : "",
  "dns" : [
  "fixed-cidr" : "",
  "ip-forward": true


and connected screen Docker settings

I tried this with only two settings it doesn't work. I tried it with fixed-cidr on its own, it was accepted but the change did not show up in my image, the machine was still default

EDIT: ok were accepted according to below:

  "experimental" : true,
  "bip" : "",
  "debug" : true,
  "default-gateway" : "",
  "dns" : [
  "fixed-cidr" : ""


however the bridge is not working now, I cannot ping from my VM outside the VM network, I need to do something extra to nat the new bridge (was the new bridge created when I did this or was it originally edited?)



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1 answer

The problem seems to be related to use default-gateway

. There are several settings here that you need to set.

The parameter default-gateway

must be in the IP range, which is used for the default range. Now you have provided fixed-cidr

, however, if you previously started dockerd with a different range, the docker0 bridge will still exist or even be created with the range originally created with.

If you provided a parameter bip

, this should clear it, but note that this parameter must be within the range default-gateway

. Also note that the initial configuration you posted is incorrect, because you have the beep on

, but the gateway

, and fixed-cidr

is in the same range.



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