How do I test apps separately in a multi-app project?

I have a project with multiple applications. I can run applications separately with the following command: ng serve --app <appName> -aot


On the other hand, I would like to be able to run the test for each application individually in the same way that I can run them.

eg. ng test --app <appName> --sm=false

But it doesn't work as expected. The test is always started by the first application in the file system.

I searched and found out that I might have to go to config angular-cli.json

- Suggestion: config karma in the app that make sense ... but unfortunately that didn't work either.

Any hints please?


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1 answer

You don't need a parameter --app

. Run instead ng test <appName>


If you check ng test --help

, you get:usage: ng test <project> [options]

I am on Angular CLI: 6.0.0-rc.6




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