Room error: is there no alternative at the entrance?

I'm trying to update a table using @Query annotation of room library, below is my code (in Dao frontend):

@Query("UPDATE table_name SET table_name.col1 = :val1 WHERE table_name.col2 = :val2")
void updateValue(long val1, long val2);


End the error line as shown below:

Error:(11, 10) error: no viable alternative at input 'UPDATE table_name SET table_name.'


Here is the entity class:

@Entity(tableName = "table_name")
public class SampleTable {

    @ColumnInfo(name = "_id")
    private Long Id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "col1")
    private Long column1;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "col2")
    private Long column2;

    public Long getId() {
        return Id;

    public void setId(Long id) {
        Id = id;

    public Long getColumn1() {
        return column1;

    public void setColumn1(Long column1) {
        this.column1 = column1;

    public Long getColumn2() {
        return column2;

    public void setColumn2(Long column2) {
        this.column2 = column2;


What's wrong with my code?


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1 answer

Try changing your operator to:

UPDATE table_name SET col1 = :val1 WHERE col2 = :val2.


The error message makes it feel like "Room" is being disconnected via the prefix.

This is a bug in the room, at least through 1.0.0-alpha8

. Track this issue to see when it gets fixed.

This is actually invalid SQLite syntax as it turns out . Table prefixes are in columns in the statements SELECT

, not UPDATE




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