What's the algorithm for finding empty ranges of numbers in a range of numbers?

I am doing some file analysis where I mark the regions of interest in the file. Now I would like to find unexplored regions, so I know what to look at next. This is very similar to what the defragmentation software shows for free and used regions.


In this figure, let's say the regions of interest are red, uncharted areas of sulfur. I need to define the borders of the gray area from these red areas.

enter image description here

My current code, a custom binary reader that logs what it read:

public class CustomBinaryReader : BinaryReader {

    private readonly List<Block> _blocks;

    public CustomBinaryReader([NotNull] Stream input) : this(input, Encoding.Default) { }

    public CustomBinaryReader(Stream input, Encoding encoding, bool leaveOpen = true) : base(input, encoding, leaveOpen) {
        _blocks = new List<Block>();

    public override byte[] ReadBytes(int count) {
        return base.ReadBytes(count);

    private void Log(int count) {
        _blocks.Add(new Block(BaseStream.Position, count));

    private IEnumerable<Block> GetUnreadBlocks() {
        // how to get unread blocks in the stream, from read blocks ?
        throw new NotImplementedException();


And a type that defines what the scope is:

public class Block {
    public Block(long position, long length) {
        Position = position;
        Length = length;

    public long Position { get; }
    public long Length { get; }



Is there a class of algorithms or data structures to solve such a problem (like a tree or a graph)? If no such thing exists, can you give me any approach or advice on how to solve such a problem?


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2 answers

Sorts the used areas in order of their location. Find the upper bound of each one as position+length

. From there, each open area starts at the top of one area, until (but not including) the bottom of the next.



From @ Prune's answer, here's the complete implementation:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using JetBrains.Annotations;

namespace Whatever
    public sealed class LoggedBinaryReader : BinaryReader
        public LoggedBinaryReader([NotNull] Stream input) : this(input, Encoding.Default)

        public LoggedBinaryReader(Stream input, Encoding encoding, bool leaveOpen = true) : base(input, encoding, leaveOpen)
            Journal = new LoggedBinaryReaderJournal(this);

        private LoggedBinaryReaderJournal Journal { get; }

        public override int Read()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.Read();

        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.Read(buffer, index, count);

        public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.Read(buffer, index, count);

        public override char ReadChar()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadChar();

        public override char[] ReadChars(int count)
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadChars(count);

        public override string ReadString()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadString();

        public override bool ReadBoolean()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadBoolean();

        public override byte ReadByte()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadByte();

        public override sbyte ReadSByte()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadSByte();

        public override short ReadInt16()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadInt16();

        public override int ReadInt32()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadInt32();

        public override long ReadInt64()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadInt64();

        public override ushort ReadUInt16()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadUInt16();

        public override uint ReadUInt32()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadUInt32();

        public override ulong ReadUInt64()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadUInt64();

        public override byte[] ReadBytes(int count)
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadBytes(count);

        public override float ReadSingle()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadSingle();

        public override double ReadDouble()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadDouble();

        public override decimal ReadDecimal()
            using (new LoggedBinaryReaderScope(Journal))
                return base.ReadDecimal();

        public IEnumerable<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion> GetRegionsRead()
            return Journal.GetRegions();

        public IEnumerable<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion> GetRegionsUnread()
            var blocks = new LinkedList<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion>(Journal.GetRegions());

            var curr = blocks.First;

            // nothing explored
            if (curr == null)
                yield return new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(0, BaseStream.Length);
                yield break;

            // account for beginning of file
            if (curr.Value.Position > 0)
                yield return new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(0, curr.Value.Position);

            // in-between
            while (true)
                var next = curr.Next;
                if (next == null)

                var position = curr.Value.Position + curr.Value.Length;
                var length = next.Value.Position - position;

                if (length > 0)
                    yield return new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(position, length);

                curr = next;

            // account for end of file
            if (curr.Value.Position + curr.Value.Length < BaseStream.Length)
                yield return new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(
                    curr.Value.Position + curr.Value.Length,
                    BaseStream.Length - (curr.Value.Position + curr.Value.Length));

    public struct LoggedBinaryReaderRegion
        internal LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(long position, long length)
            Position = position;
            Length = length;

        public long Position { get; }

        public long Length { get; }

        public override string ToString()
            return $"{nameof(Position)}: {Position}, {nameof(Length)}: {Length}";

    internal class LoggedBinaryReaderJournal
        internal LoggedBinaryReaderJournal([NotNull] LoggedBinaryReader reader)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reader));

            Reader = reader;
            Regions = new List<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion>();

        private long Position { get; set; }

        private LoggedBinaryReader Reader { get; }

        private List<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion> Regions { get; }

        internal void StartLogging()
            Position = Reader.BaseStream.Position;

        internal void StopLogging()
            var length = Reader.BaseStream.Position - Position;
            var region = new LoggedBinaryReaderRegion(Position, length);

        public IEnumerable<LoggedBinaryReaderRegion> GetRegions()
            return Regions.OrderBy(s => s.Position);

    internal struct LoggedBinaryReaderScope : IDisposable
        private LoggedBinaryReaderJournal Journal { get; }

        internal LoggedBinaryReaderScope(LoggedBinaryReaderJournal journal)
            Journal = journal;

        public void Dispose()


What does it do:

It records whatever it BinaryReader

reads and can return regions that were read or not. Each method is Read...


Actually I needed it for an old informal video game format for which I wrote a parser, going through + 300KB of data in a hex editor with weird structures to make sure I read the whole file was overkill, this one LoggedBinaryReader

instantly told me that I was in eventually missed :)



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