Pass ReactiveObject ViewModel between Android Activity in Xamarin

I am using ReactiveObject

both ViewModel

in Xamarin.PCL


public class PlanViewerViewModel : ReactiveObject


There ViewModel

is a lot of logic inside ReactiveUI

, for example:

FilterIssueTypeCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create<string, List<IGrouping<int, StandardIssueTypeTable>>>(
                searchTerm => 
                    Func<StandardIssueTypeTable, bool> filterIssueType = d =>
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.IssueTypeSearchQuery) ? true :
                        Contains(d.Title, this.IssueTypeSearchQuery) ||
                        Contains(d.Category.Title, this.IssueTypeSearchQuery) ||
                        Contains(d.Issues.Count().ToString(), this.IssueTypeSearchQuery);

                    return RealmConnection.All<StandardIssueTypeTable>().Where(filterIssueType)
                                          .GroupBy(g => g.CategoryId)

this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.IssueTypeSearchQuery)
    .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), RxApp.MainThreadScheduler)
    .Select(x => x?.Trim())

_groupedStandardIssueType = FilterIssueTypeCommand.ToProperty(this, x => x.GroupedStandardIssueType, new List<IGrouping<int, StandardIssueTypeTable>>());


In development, Xamarin.iOS

I could easily pass ViewModel

between each controller with this code:

var finderController = segue.DestinationViewController as PVFinderTabBarController;
finderController.ViewModel = this.ViewModel;


I am wondering how could I do this in Xamarin.Android


I know there are several ways to transfer data between Activity


  • Give it as string

    , int

    , bool

    : This is what I'm using now
  • Serialize object to JSON

    : slow
  • Embed Parcelable

    or Serializable

    : I don't want to use it because that means I need to copy the project ViewModel

    to Xamarin.Android


If I do that, there is no point in using ReactiveUI


I am thinking to use the class Application

in Android

and create one instance of mine ViewModel

in it so that everyone Activity

can reference this. Something like that:

public class GlobalState: Application
    public PlanViewerViewModel viewModel { get; set; }


Is there any other solution?


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