How to customize radio buttons in Excel?

I want to use Excel to capture survey results. I want to have a large number of questions, each with 5 "excellent to poor" radio buttons. Each switch must correspond to a numerical value stored in the dataset (for example, Excellent = 13, Poor = 10, Good = 5, etc.). I would like to be able to cut and paste them to help duplicate controls for a lot of questions.


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1 answer

You can go to View -> Toolbars -> Forms

Then you should see a radio button that you can click and add to your Excel sheet.

It's a good idea to put "Group Box" first than add Option buttons to them. This way you can easily have many groups of questions.

You can also use the Excel CHOOSE function to set the values ​​of the Option buttons as you mentioned in your question ...

See here for details .



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