Oracle express detatach

Hi I'm a newbie and I'm used to MS SQL Manager Attach / Detatch to drop the database into one file so I can move it to other computer / SQL instances. In a nutshell, this is what I want to do.

I have a large Oracle Express database (Zeus instance name) that I need to move to other Oracle Express instances (new installations) and then I need to update them with Zeus database.

How should I do it? I don't understand how to export the database / schema - user definition / permission, table definitions and table data.

Thanks guys,


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1 answer

I don't believe you can easily do this with Oracle (especially with the XE release).

Usually you do Import / Export . This will give something like:

expdp system/password@XE DUMPFILE=expfull.dmp FULL=y
impdp system/password@XE DUMPFILE=expfull.dmp FULL=y

The expfull.dmp files will be located in a folder named oradata / dpdump in the Oracle XE installation.

You can also use portable tablespaces as described here and listed here .

Another method has 10 steps and needs to be adapted to Oracle XE. I mention it here for reference.



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