Ship dates of simultaneous projects at fogbugz

I am currently working on two projects and I am using Fogbugz to keep track of my cases. My question is, if I enter a one month job estimate for each project, will Fogbugz estimate that the ship dates for the two projects will be in two years?

Note: discussed here but I don't know how relevant it is. I'm not even sure I understand it correctly.


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1 answer

I decided to combine my two projects into one. Then I created an area for each project. Therefore, while I had two projects,

  • Project A
  • Project B

Now I have one project with two areas,

  • Project: Company
    • Area 1: Project A
    • Area 2: Project B

The departure date for this one project is approximately two weeks later from the date of the original ship before the projects were combined. I think this confirms that FogBugz ignores any time spent on other projects when calculating the project submit date.

Another way I could work around this situation is to keep two projects, but change the "% time spent on FogBugz tasks" in the work schedule to 50%.



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