Change link to pointer div

On facebook, for example, when you hover over a news item, a delete button appears. How can i do this?

Thanks Elliot


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4 answers

Modern browsers

In modern browsers, you can use the pseudo class :hover

in our selector. Consider the following markup as an example:

<div class="item">
  <p>This is a long string of text</p>
  <div class="adminControls">
    <a href="#" title="Delete">Delete Item</a>


By default, we want to .adminControls

be hidden. They should, however, become visible as soon as the user hovers over the element .item


.item .adminControls {
    display: none;

.item:hover .adminControls {
    display: block;


JavaScript and jQuery

If you are using jQuery , you can easily do this using the $ .hover () method. If you are using Prototype, you can get the protoHover plugin to achieve the same result, or by viewing this blog post .

  function () { $(this).find(".adminControls").show(); }, 
  function () { $(this).find(".adminControls").hide(); }


This will produce a show / hide effect for the following:

<div class="item">
  <p>This is a long string of text</p>
  <div class="adminControls">
    <a href="#" title="Delete">Delete Item</a>

<div class="item">
  <p>This is a long string of text</p>
  <div class="adminControls">
    <a href="#" title="Delete">Delete Item</a>

<div class="item">
  <p>This is a long string of text</p>
  <div class="adminControls">
    <a href="#" title="Delete">Delete Item</a>




Place the link the way you want it to appear on hover, then hide it with JavaScript and use an event onmouseover

to show it. (i.e. it display: none;

and then goes into display: block;

when the event fires onmouseover


Something like that:

window.onload = function(){
    document.getElementById('mylink').style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById('mydiv').onmouseover = function(){
        document.getElementById('mylink').style.display = 'block';  




You need to write a Javascript function that manipulates the DOM, and you need to bind the OnMouseOver attribute of your HTML element to that function. For example, on my home page, my face image changes every time the mouse rolls over it. The Javascript function is defined on the HTML page itself.

<script type="text/javascript">
faceCnt = 7;
var faces = new Array( faceCnt ); 
var faceDates = new Array( "1982", "1986", "1991", "1999", "2004", "2006", "2009" );
var faceIdx = 7; /* So that first change is to earliest one. */
for( var idx = 0 ; idx < faceCnt ; idx++ )
  (faces[idx] = new Image(150, 116)).src = "david/david" + (idx + 1) + ".jpg";

function nextFace( ref )
  faceIdx = faceIdx >= faceCnt - 1 ? 0 : faceIdx + 1;
  ref.src = faces[ faceIdx ].src;
  ref.title = "David-" + faceDates[ faceIdx ];

<img id="myface" src="david/david7.jpg" alt="david" title="David-2009" 
 width="150" height="116" 
 style="margin: 0 0 5px 15px; /* -10px -5px 10px 10px; */
  padding: 0;
   border: solid black;
   border-width: 1px;
   float: right;" 
  onMouseOver="nextFace( this )"
  onClick="nextFace( this )" >




If you don't need to support IE6, you can use the: hover pseudo alias like so:


.link { display: none; }
.item:hover > .link { display: inline; }



<div class="item">
  <a href="#" class="link">Remove</a>
  Lorem Ipsum...




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