If in the previous section (: each) a custom method should be used

I have a method in a Model category called create_main used to create main categories. Should I use this method in the before (: each) section even if the method itself needs to be tested or the main category needs to be manually created using rails built-in functions.


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1 answer

You need to split your examples into two groups of examples, one group where before (: each) is called with create_main, and you use that to test everything except create_main. Then you have another subset where before (: each) does not call create_main, and this is where you check create_main.

In your case, I think you could try something like the following:

describe Category, " without a main category" do
  before(:each) do
    # No call to create_main here

  it "should create the main category" do
    # Here we test that create_main is working

describe Category, " with a main category already created" do
  before(:each) do
    # This time, we do call create_main to set up the object as necessary

  # More examples go here that depend on create_main


Give it a shot. I'm not 100% sure if it works, but I've seen similar settings in the past.



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