Naming custom controls. Convention?

So you have a usercontrol. You want to bind some of its dependency properties, so you need to specify x: Name to use it.

You cannot do this ...

<UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication1.UserControl1" x:Name="UserControl1"
    <Grid />


... because member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type.

So, you have to choose something else ... but what's a good convention to go here? Attach something arbitrary to the end? "UserControl1UserControl"? Call it "Root"? Use another case of "userControl1"?

What options did you guys do?

I know this is really minor, but I try to name the elements very carefully and consistency is important to me.


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3 answers

Name it, however you named the XAML file.


<UserControl x:Name="foo" ...




These names end up as fields in your class, so I'm just using standard field naming conventions. And if it's a root-level control, I always call it "_root":

<UserControl x:Name="_root">
        <TextBox x:Name="_nameTextBox"/>
        <TextBox x:Name="_ageTextBox"/>




Be descriptive; be consistent.

In other words, just pick something and stick with it.



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