Full screen camera

How can I make iPhone full screen by removing the overlay?

Can I change the style of the camera toolbar?


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3 answers

There is no reliable way to do this using the current iPhone SDK. You have to send a bug to Apple to try and get them to add more camera control.



Last night I came across a blog that discussed how to cut out an overlay view.


It is not clear if this will pass testing, although Phanfare will customize their submission.



I have been trying to do this for some time.

Also like the link in the post above mine. I came across this page - http://blog.airsource.co.uk/index.php/2008/11/11/views-of-uiimagepickercontroller/

While the article itself is not impressive, the comments provide some insight and suggestions. In addition, some users have provided links to some external sites. If you are lucky enough to get it to work, email me.



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