How to generate database class files using SubSonic 3?

I have been using SubSonic (ActiveRecord) for several years now. I waited for some bugs in 3.0 to be fixed before downloading the newest version and updating my several sites that use SubSonic to 3.0. I am currently using 2.2 on these sites. I am working on a new site and want to use 3.0 to access new updates before going back and updating existing sites to 3.0.

However, I am stuck and the old SubSonic site with forums and helpful reference docs seems to have changed everything and there is nothing I can find to answer my basic questions.

How can I generate database class files using SubSonic 3?

In version 2.x, I used the SubCommander tool integrated with Visual Studio and it just made a click on the menu selection to restore all the class files. Now there is only one binary .dll file and no information on how to actually generate class files.

This question is being asked for a new database and a new website, but I have several other existing websites / databases that I would like to update. Is there a document on how to go from SubSonic 2 to SubSonic 3? Preferably a document that takes into account existing implementations.


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1 answer

There is no document on going from 2 to 3, although I think it would be great to write to someone. However, you should find answers to the question of how to get started with the docs site . In particular, it looks like you should take a look at:

This question should also have answers to some of the errors when getting started with SubSonic 3 and t4.



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