What's the best modeling methodology for representing a software system?

What is the best modeling methodology for representing a software system. I mean UML and so on. Is the UML better or is there something better than there? I need to represent graphically my web application, which is a 3 tier architecture. I need an engineering model methodology such as UML to map the entire software system from the front end portal to the intermediate EAI to the database.

What is there? Please do not close this non-programming question but software. So ask the SO community. Don't close this question.



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3 answers

You can take a look at ArchiMate - http://www.archimate.org/



I don't use any formal modeling language at all, instead I add bits from the UML, flowcharts and drawings along with a short description of what is going on.

Even though the UML ideals represent a general, unambiguous interpretation of what is happening, I have found that in practice it is necessary to provide descriptions side by side - both verbally and in other form.

My two cents ...



UML should work. MS Visio is a decent model making tool. You can also write descriptions for Visio UML diagrams.

A modeling tool or language can never make up for poor design! Simplified and elegant design, less tool or language dependency.



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