SQL Server service keeps stopping on local machine

I have an update or something trying to start every night and ends up with the SQL Server service stopped. When the machine reboots, the service reboots properly. How do I go about diagnosing and fixing what's breaking my SQL Server service? I am running SQL 2005 on Vista Business.


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3 answers

We had this problem with SQL Server 2005 on our dev server. What happens in our scenario is that the user account under which the automatic updates were performed was not the administrator of the local computer. Automatic updates were queued, the machine tried to apply them to SQL 2005, was able to disable the service, but never restarted it after failing to apply the patch.

This may not be your scenario, but the symptoms are similar. Event log entries? (They were a beacon for us, we parsed the message and learned about automatic updates.)



Check the Event Viewer first to see if there is more information on why the service won't start, or to see exactly when it will stop.



Check event log and sql server error log. They should provide you with clues or an actual error so you can fix it.



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