Eclipse WebLogic Plugin issue - unable to start WebLogic server

I am running Eclipse v3.4.1 with weblogic plugin (Oracle Server Tools v1.2.0.200907171310). I am running Oracle Weblogic 10gR3 locally.

On the server tab in Eclipse, I click the Start Server button, but I get the following error:

"startWebLogic.cmd" is not recognized as an internal or external command, runtime program, or batch file.

I think it has something to do with my Eclipse environment, because when I run the same run script from outside the IDE on the command line, it starts and starts the server successfully.

Has anyone else experienced this problem before?

Thank you in advance


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2 answers

This error message is similar to the one coming from Windows when trying to run a file and Windows cannot find it. For example, see this blog post ; or just type the nonsense command at the cmd.exe command line and you will get a similar error message.

Perhaps your Eclipse is somehow working with a different PATH than in the cmd.exe command window?




I solved the problem.

I found this thread that describes the problems using Tomcat with Eclipse:

Anyway, I've removed the pref files as shown at the bottom of this forum thread. Then I used a wizard in Eclipse to set up a new Server and now it starts / stops fine through the IDE. I'm not sure how Eclipse got into this state, mind in the first place.

Thank you for your help.



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