Oracle SQL: What is the meaning of this DECODE statement?

I'm working on storing some Oracle SQL queries written by someone else, and all over the place I see this same pattern repeated across a lot of pl / sql statements and blocks:

select DECODE(NVL(t1.some_column,'~'),'~',t2.some_column,t1.some_column) some_column from t1, t2 where ...


Now, doesn't that sound like this much simpler statement?

select NVL(t1.some_column,t2.some_column) from t1, t2 where...


I'm not sure why decoding and nvl are tied in the original request. This seems to be a less efficient way to do nvl only. Can someone explain this to me?

Thank you for understanding!


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1 answer

Wow, uh, looks pretty bad coding.

NVL(t1.some_column, t2.some_column)


... gives the same results.

It's more convenient for me COALESCE

, though:

COALESCE(t1.some_column, t2.some_column)


Thus, if you want to add a third, simply:

COALESCE(t1.some_column, t2.some_column, t3.some_column)


It looks like whoever wrote the original code wanted it to be extensible and just didn't know about COALESCE




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