How do I write a mod_rewrite rule to search for an image in a specific folder?

I need to write a rule to redirect any image file to a specific folder. Namely "images"

RewriteCond $1 ^(.*\.jpg|.*\.gif|.*\.bmp)


It will fit all imagination, the rewrite part is baffling me. I want to



to download the file


Is it possible?


source to share

1 answer

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

# prevent endless loops
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !images/

# capture only the filename 
RewriteRule ^.*/(.*\.jpg|.*\.gif|.*\.bmp) images/$1 [L,R]


The R option to [L, R] forces the visible overwrite - if you want the image to appear on the prompt screen, just use [L]

Have a look at the mod_rewrite documentation for more details



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