MFC: mainframe access

I am trying to access a view inside a splitter from my mainframe. At the moment I have this:

CWnd * pView = m_wndSplitter.GetPane (0, 0);

However, this gives me a pointer to a CWnd object, not a CMyViewClass object.

Can someone explain to me what I need to do to access the view object itself so that I can access the member functions in the form pView-> ViewFunction (...);


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1 answer

Just throw it:

// using MFC dynamic cast macro
CMyViewClass* pMyView = 
   DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMyViewClass, m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,0));
if ( NULL != pMyView )
   // whatever you want to do with it...



// standard C++ 
CMyViewClass* pMyView = 
if ( NULL != pMyView )
   // whatever you want to do with it...


If you know that the view in the panel 0,0

will always be of type CMyViewClass

, then you can just use static_cast

... but I recommend that you don't - there is no point in risking problems if you ever change your layout.



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