Paging alternatives

I'm working on a project that returns paginated results with volumes, potentially hundreds of pages. I am playing with more convenient ways for paging than the standard fisrt / last / next / previous links and going to text field. One option I had was to scroll through the list of pages. I would display 5 to 7 links at a time, focusing on the current page, but adding onhover actions to the buttons on each side to scroll the numbered list. This allows users to move forward through the number of pages if they like, without the "Go To" combo box. Anyone have any better ideas?

If not, I'm trying to figure out how to implement the above functionality, but I'm not sure how to display only the div section (with the div being the full list of links.) Any ideas


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4 answers

You may find Endless Pageless an interesting read.



Depending on the data, you can classify it in different ways and display the index. Pages is one way. The calendar is different, etc.

basically a Master / Detail view.



Another option is to use a slider control that displays the current page (and / or post range) numbers in the title bubble.



You can use a dropdown list containing page numbers.



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