What is the correct way to upgrade an eclipse plugin to a different platform version?

I have an Eclipse RCP project targeting Eclipse 3.4. Now that 3.5 isn't working and I'm using it, and while I have no reason to change my targeting plugin to 3.5 platform, I'm left wondering exactly how this should be done.

I can't seem to find any option that will allow me to change the target platform of the plugin after it's created. plugin.xml

has a line that says <?eclipse version="3.4"?>

. It can't be as easy as it is right?


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1 answer

The <?eclipse version="3.5"?>

plugin.xml file entry does not affect runtime. This is just a hint of PDE equipment during development. You don't need to change it to use your package in 3.5.

In general, if you are using the public API and don't get into the internals, you may not need any changes to run under 3.5. Check out the plugin connection guide in the help and section 3.5 of the release notes .

Also take a look at the manifest file. Are you defining version ranges for your dependencies? If so, make sure the 3.5 versions you want are still in the upper bounds of these ranges.



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