BizTalk MSMQ Send Port Insufficient in Batch File

I have a solution that I configure / clear with batch files ... - there are a couple of MSMQ ports sending and receiving, with another app at the end of the queues

I find I cannot properly stop the orchestration in the batch file ... the error is that the send port is not registered - I am using the StopOrch.vbs script from the SDK samples

But I can go to the BizTalk Admin Console and manually stop the orchestration with Full Terminate Ok

The setup / cleanup works fine unless I actually push any messages on the MSMQ queue


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2 answers

You can also take a look at the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.dll file. It contains business-level objects that are fun to interact with in .NET code. You can find the dll in the installation directory, mine is at: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009 \ Development Tools

Here is the MSDN documentation on it:

And a good high level move on using it:




I would look at using a powershell script to handle the completion of all suspended messages, as well as terminating the orchestration as expected. I believe there is a bunch of these scripts on codeplex if you're looking. Also take a look at the SDC components on MSBuilt's complex to do this.




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