Hibernate / JPA Annotations - Unknown Object

An app that worked well for months stopped collecting JPA annotations @Entity

that had been part of it for months. As I run my integration tests, I see dozens of " org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: com.whatever.OrderSystem

" errors .

It is not clear to me what is wrong here.

I don't have a file hibernate.cfg.xml

because I am using Hibernate Entity Manager. Since I exclusively use annotations, there are no .hbm.xml files for my objects. My file persistence.xml

is minimal and lives in META-INF

as intended.

I obviously missed something, but I can't push it.

I am using hibernate annotations 3.2.1, hibernate-entitymanager 3.2.1, persistence-api 1.0 and hibernate 3.2.1. hibernate-commons-annotations is also part of the POM project, but I don't know if this is consistent.

Is there a lost web.xml entry or a Spring configuration entry that was accidentally deleted?


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3 answers

I seem to have remembered that I had a similar problem in one go.

Its a long shot, but if you don't already, have you explicitly indicated the vendor you are using?

<persistence ...>
   <persistence-unit ...>
      <provider>org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence</provider> <---- explicit setting


Otherwise, I'm not sure?



check in your essence that you are importing javax.persistent.Entity and not org.hibernate.annotations.Entity



This happens for one specific class (multiple classes) or all entity classes. The persistence.xml file contains a list of class and / or jar files that need to be scanned for @Entity mappings. If it worked before, you can quickly deploy the persistence.xml version that works correctly. Another problem might be that it is collecting a different persistence.xml file - you can check this by introducing an error (like invalidating the xml) in the persistence.xml file.



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