Is there a list of input ids or form names after the script is submitted?

Suppose I got this:

index.php generates a form with an unpredictable number of inputs with specific ids / names and different values ​​that can be edited by the user and saved with script.php

<form action="script.php" method="post">
<input id="1" name="1" type="text" value="1"/>
<input id="24" name="24" type="text" value="2233"/>
<input id="55" name="55" type="text" value="231321"/>



Here I need to get something like an array of all the inputs created by index.php and store each value corresponding to its id / name.

Is there a way to do this?


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3 answers

Maybe your question is missing something, but the variable $_POST

will contain all the name => value pairs you are asking for. for example, in the above HTML snippet:


// contains:

  [1] => 1
  [24] => 2233
  [55] => 231321

// example access:

foreach($_POST as $name => $value) {
  print "Name: {$name} Value: {$value} <br />";




Use array_keys on the $ _POST variable in script.php to pull the names you've created and use them to get the values.

$keys = array_keys( $_POST );
foreach( $keys as $key ) {
  echo "Name=" . $key . " Value=" . $_POST[$key];




It looks like you are using a class or framework to create your forms, you need to read the documentation for the framework to see if it is collecting / where this data is.



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